Jabra Elite 65t Left Earbud Not Working: Solutions 

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For many Jabra Elite 65t True Wireless Stereo (TWS) users, a frustrating issue has arisen – the left earbud not working as expected. While some also encounter problems with the right earbud, the left side seems to be a more common culprit.

If you’re facing this issue and seeking effective solutions to revive your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the reasons behind the left or right earbud malfunction and provide simple fixes that you can try before reaching out to customer support or an authorized service center.

With a bit of troubleshooting and some patience, you might be able to resolve the issue in as little as 15 minutes.

Fixing Jabra Elite 65t Left Earbud Issues

Step 1: Ensure Balanced Charging

The first step in troubleshooting your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds is to ensure both earbuds have an adequate charge. If you typically use one earbud at a time, the earbud left in the case may have a full charge while the one in use may be drained. To rectify this, place both earbuds in the charging case for at least 10 minutes before use.

Step 2: Clean the Charging Connectors

If the earbuds still don’t function after charging, it’s time to inspect the charging connectors. Dust or dirt on the connector pins of the earbuds or the charging case can hinder charging. Gently wipe the connector pins on both the earbuds and the case using a lint-free cloth. For hard-to-reach areas, you can use a toothpick. Avoid using liquids to clean, as it could damage the earbuds.

Step 3: Update Firmware

Outdated firmware can lead to performance issues. Ensure your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds have the latest firmware. Follow these steps to update:

  • Pair your earbuds with your smartphone;
  • Download and open the Jabra Sound+ app;
  • Tap the “Discover” icon;
  • If an update is available, select “Update now” and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 4: Set Audio Balance Correctly

Misconfigured audio balance settings can cause problems with one earbud not working. Check your device’s audio balance settings, ensuring it’s set to stereo mode rather than mono. This adjustment can vary depending on your device, but typically you’ll find it in the Accessibility settings.

Step 5: Try Connecting to Other Devices

To rule out device-specific issues, try connecting your Jabra Elite 65t to a different device, such as a smartphone or laptop. If both earbuds work correctly on the alternate device, the issue may be with your original device.

Step 6: Perform a Factory Reset

If none of the previous steps resolve the problem, consider performing a factory reset. Be aware that this will erase all pairing and device data. To reset the earbuds:

  • Go to your smartphone’s Bluetooth settings;
  • Locate your Jabra Elite 65t in the list of paired devices and select “Forget this Device.”;
  • Remove both earbuds from the charging case;
  • Simultaneously press and hold the left and right buttons on the earbuds until the LED flashes purple;
  • Wait for 30 seconds, then pair the earbuds with your smartphone again.

Step 7: Claim Warranty

If your Jabra Elite 65t is still under warranty and none of the troubleshooting steps work, it may be a hardware issue. Jabra offers a 1-year warranty, and if your earbuds are covered, you can have them repaired or replaced at an authorized service center.

Why Does Jabra Elite 65t Left Earbud Fail To Work?

Several factors can contribute to the left or right earbud not functioning properly with Jabra Elite 65t:

  • Lack of Charge: Using one earbud more frequently can result in uneven battery levels between earbuds, leading to one side failing to work. Charging both earbuds equally can resolve this issue;
  • Outdated Firmware: Firmware updates are crucial for optimal performance. Outdated firmware can lead to connectivity and functionality problems. Ensuring your earbuds have the latest firmware is essential;
  • Glitches: Technical glitches and bugs can occur with TWS earbuds. In such cases, a simple factory reset often rectifies the problem.
White wireless headphones

Comparison Table 

IssueLeft Earbud Not WorkingRight Earbud Not Working
Possible Causes– Uneven battery drain due to single use– Uneven battery drain due to single use
– Charging connector dirt or damage– Charging connector dirt or damage
– Outdated firmware– Outdated firmware
– Audio balance misconfiguration– Audio balance misconfiguration
– Device-specific problems– Device-specific problems
Troubleshooting Steps– Balance charging between earbuds– Balance charging between earbuds
– Clean charging connectors– Clean charging connectors
– Update firmware– Update firmware
– Set audio balance correctly– Set audio balance correctly
– Test on another device– Test on another device
– Perform factory reset– Perform factory reset
– Claim warranty if under warranty– Claim warranty if under warranty
Common Reasons– Battery imbalance– Battery imbalance
– Connector pin blockage– Connector pin blockage
– Firmware compatibility issues– Firmware compatibility issues
– Incorrect audio balance settings– Incorrect audio balance settings
– Device-specific connectivity problems– Device-specific connectivity problems
Solution Success RateHigh – Often resolves the issue in a few minutes.High – Often resolves the issue in a few minutes.
Final ResolutionFactory reset may be needed if other troubleshooting steps fail.Factory reset may be needed if other troubleshooting steps fail

In-Depth Troubleshooting Insights

If you’ve followed the initial troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing problems with your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds, here are some additional insights and actions you can consider:

Check for Physical Damage

Inspect your earbuds for any physical damage or wear and tear. Damage to the earbud itself or the charging case can affect their functionality. Cracks, loose components, or water damage may require professional repair.

Investigate Compatibility

Ensure your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds are compatible with the device you are trying to connect to. Compatibility issues can sometimes lead to connectivity problems. Refer to the Jabra website or user manual for a list of compatible devices.

Explore App Settings

Jabra provides a dedicated app called Jabra Sound+ that allows you to customize your earbuds’ settings. Explore the app to check if any settings need adjustment or if there are firmware updates available within the app itself.

Battery Calibration

Occasionally, recalibrating the battery can help resolve battery-related issues. To do this, fully charge both earbuds, use them until they drain completely, then recharge them to full capacity.

Environmental Factors

Consider environmental factors that may be affecting your earbuds’ performance. Interference from other electronic devices, extreme temperatures, or excessive moisture can impact wireless connectivity.

Seek Professional Assistance

If all else fails, and your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds are still under warranty, contact Jabra customer support or visit an authorized service center. They can provide expert assistance, diagnose complex issues, and offer appropriate solutions.

Remember that the goal is to enjoy uninterrupted audio experiences with your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds. By exploring these troubleshooting steps and seeking professional help when needed, you can resolve most issues and continue to enjoy your wireless listening experience to the fullest.

Video Explanation 

In order to explain this topic in more detail, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it!


In conclusion, addressing the issue of the Jabra Elite 65t left earbud not working is a matter of methodical troubleshooting and understanding the underlying causes. We’ve explored a range of potential problems, from battery imbalances to firmware concerns, and provided practical steps to resolve them.

It’s reassuring to know that most of these issues can be fixed quickly, often within a matter of minutes, without the need for professional intervention. By maintaining balanced charging, ensuring clean charging connectors, and keeping the firmware up to date, you can enjoy a seamless audio experience with your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds.

Additionally, configuring audio balance settings correctly and testing your earbuds on different devices can help identify whether the problem lies with the earbuds themselves or the device you’re connecting to. If all else fails, don’t forget the warranty option – Jabra provides a one-year warranty that covers hardware-related problems, offering peace of mind to users.

Ultimately, these troubleshooting steps empower you to take control of your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds’ functionality, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, or calls without interruption. By following the insights provided in this guide, you can not only resolve existing issues but also prevent future ones, ensuring a long-lasting and satisfying listening experience.

So, whether it’s your left earbud, right earbud, or both, rest assured that with the right approach, you can keep your Jabra Elite 65t earbuds working in harmony, delivering the audio quality you deserve. Happy listening!